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Whether for children or adults: museums, show mines, geoparks or geological trails offer numerous opportunities to be inspired by geology. Here you will find a selection of what is on offer.

Find the right offer to become inspired by geology.

Mountain crystal
Mountain crystal

Museums covering geology

Switzerland is rich in museums. Here you will find address lists for museums that deal exclusively or partially with geological themes:

The Great Aletsch Glacier
The Great Aletsch Glacier


Geoparks are attractive excursion and holiday destinations for schools, families and those interested in earth sciences from all walks of life. A Geopark combines various geological, cultural and touristic attractions.


Further offers

Also show mines, caves or erratics belong to the fascinating aspects of geology.

Experience Geology

The Erlebnis Geologie map
The "Erlebnis Geologie" event series offers fascinating insights into the world of geology.

At the “Erlebnis Geologie“ (Experience Geology) events, Swiss geologists from universities, museums, public offices and private industry provide the general public with interesting insights into their areas of expertise. The knowledge of how many areas of geology influence our daily lives has been fascinating all visitors since the start of the event series in 2007.

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Geological trails

Via GeoAlpina: Les Diablerets map
Via GeoAlpina: Part of the region Dent Blanche Les Diablerets

Geotourism develops, promotes and commercializes special geological landscape features. Professionals and lay people can experience and understand developments in earth science on geological trails, in geoparks, show caves, geotopes or at events such as “Erlebnis Geologie”.

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The Glarus thrust of the Tectonic Arena Sardona
The Glarus thrust is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Tectonic Arena Sardona".

Geotopes are natural geoscientific monuments worthy of protection: spatially constrained parts of the geosphere of geological, geomorphological or geo-ecological importance. Depending on whether the formative processes are complete or still in progress, they are then static or active geotopes.

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Dr. Pierre Dèzes Swiss Academy of Sciences
Platform Geosciences
Laupenstrasse 7
P.O. Box
3001 Bern
+41 31 306 93 25


Dr. Pierre Dèzes

Swiss Academy of Sciences
Platform Geosciences
Laupenstrasse 7
P.O. Box
3001 Bern